When Sedave stopped laughing, he reminded Marcus of what happened when–
Look. You have to promise: WE CAN NEVER TELL THE ELF.
No, really, I mean that. Unless you WANT to spend the rest of your life living in the middle of the Ashlands or someplace inland of Lake Ixtihmal (I am pretty sure the Thalmor haven’t made it to the middle of Black Marsh), we cannot let even a relatively good humored Thalmor officer get wind of this. EVER.
Do you speak Saxheel?
I didn’t think so.
Marcus says it wasn’t his fault. There were these ruins; there was this temple– he had already got dressed for the … uhm thing. Party. And, anyway, he was doing one last walkthrough and pushed on a rock and it opened this door and welllll…
Marcus says he and Auriel have an understanding.
Marcus? What sort of party was it–
Ah. Mages guild.
Really, that’s all we need to know.
Yeah, I think the elf is gonna find out about it. We’ll have to see how Marcus looks in goggles and facemask– Sedave says no, no–
There’s always the daedric realms:
So that’s our choice?
I can’t wait to meet the interrogation officer.
Marcus, Marcus. How can one guy get into so much trouble? XD
Well, he keeps us amused. (We’re laughing with you, Marcus!)
Really, he should get a prize or something. But the monastic life? No. Just, no. How embarrassing would it be to get kicked out of a monastery? Well, it’s happened before, so maybe it wouldn’t be that bad.
I assume there’s always Sanguine’s… well, I don’t suppose we can call THAT a monastery…
Just a good thing for Marcus that the Aedra aren’t all that active. As long as he can stay ahead of the Justiciars, he’ll be alright.
Yeah, I don’t think “Sanguine” and “monastery” belong in the same sentence. But then, neither does “Marcus” and “monastery” 😀
Marcus says they’re fine places.
To visit.
Depending on whether or not the monks have private cells, and whether the outside walls are scalable. If not, not much fun.