… Marcus wants to start with The Hat.
Of course he does.
So remind me why we spend all that time on the hair? And pay for that expensive hair product? Hm?
Marcus says he does not care. It’s in the budget, he says smugly. Oh and he’s keeping it. It’s a great hat.
I told Marcus I was pretty sure he could live under it.
Like a Forsworn hag in a hut.
Or.. See? Marcus can now disguise himself as a mountain. AND he can store his lunch in there. A change of boots. A keg of mead! Wouldn’t Alfgar like that. Or–
Marcus says we are being assholes.
This is why we don’t get to have nice things.
Look, the whole point to taking these pictures with YOU, pretty boy, is so that people wanna look at you. You’re the eye candy. We’ve got enough pictures of that damn hat, so let’s move on, okay?
Marcus says that nobody gets pretty things unless they are nice.
How soon we forget… Now Sedave is weighing in.
We’ll get on with things–
And now we get to the whining about how hot the lights are, and how bright this ENB is, and how long is it till supper, and doesn’t the union booklet say he gets a break now and–
Just get in the damn water already–
-Or I swear to Kyne my next photo shoot is going to involve Falmer clothing and Windhelm.
Or Riften. Yeah, we haven’t been to Riften yet. Sounds like a fine place. And Sedave would like it very much if we went to the Rift, for him that’s just a day trip–
Yeah, fine. You’re right, I shouldn’t make idle threats. Nobody wants to see pictures of Riften.
What? Um…No.
Mermaids are ladies.
Isn’t that what those tedious gentlemen from Balfiera were calling themselves? Yeah, they were going on and on about the Direnni bloodline. Didn’t see any fishtails on them.
Sedave, I don’t wanna get into a philosophical debate–we’re done here. Towels are over there, Marcus. Stop rooting though all the bags. Sheesh.
[New maps for Marcus– diffuse built from Fair Men/Real Men; tattoo assets reworked from Eastern Style Body Art and some open source stuff I’ve lost track of; Vitruvia, Frecklemania and Frecklemania 2. Normal map is probably going to get rebuilt. Spec map is Fair Men with some changes and with the face map edited– and I can see that it still needs more work, hrm. Eyes are also a work in progress, Gearhog and Zhoulia and Eyes of Beauty.]
ENB is an extremely tortured version of Caffeine.
Glad to know I’m not going blind – I thought to myself, Doesn’t Marcus have new skin? (hmmm that makes him sound like a taxidermy project. Tell him I’m sorry – he does not look like a stuffed skeever).
Anyway, his new, erm, ‘glow’ looks really good. 😀 And he looked very fetching in the green, and he did kinda look like a merman. Minus flippers or whatever they have.
His old skin was Tempered Skin/Vitruvia and since Tempered is an SSE asset it was kind of shiny and odd for oldrim. And it has side seams which I couldn’t get rid of.
I may knock the brightness of this spec map down a notch on the body. We’ll see.