Anyways, Erdi wanted to say: Merci, Marmotte!
Thanks to Marmotte posting up how to put this armor pack together, I got some really good pictures of Erdi wearing it– in a couple of different bodies via Bodyslide. I believe, though I am not certain, that these bodies are courtesy of one of Wnisewond’s presets.
We got set up to take some pictures, and wouldn’t you know it, a troll showed up– hazard of the Internets, I guess:
Erdi, is that really how that fight went?
Hahahaha. No. That’s just for you know, Hollywood.
Here’s how that fight went:
You see the troll, you kill the troll.
Also yeah you wear armor, armor with PANTS…trolls have nasty dirty claws.
Weelll, we got done dealing with the troll and then–
That’s how it went, right Erdi?
Erdi sighs:
Really, she says– who hunts bears, mountain lions and trolls without pants or tunic?
Um. Erdi, how do you explain all that carnage behind you?
Erdi shrugs.
Erdi said this is pretty neat armor, though– it’s kind of modular and has all these pieces that you can trade out.
She’ll show us next time.
ENB is Rudy.
So the truth comes out about slooty armor! 😀 I knew women couldn’t fight in that stuff. But now I know why. Ah-h-h-h-h, Hollywood. I get it.
All hail Erdi the truth-bringer!
[ psssst! ‘Course, that’s not gonna stop me from dressing my guys in the minimum of armor pieces, hehehehe. They have manly muscles, they can deal with a little less protection.]
Erdi says she can fight in anything… but pants are preferable.
She says not to worry, she’ll be back if we figure out something else worthwhile for her to wear. As long as a certain someone doesn’t get to it first.