Category: Misc Characters

Sedave’s in Demand

So, somebody told the elf that Marcus and possibly others were getting special help in regards to … what does he call it? Something something “presentation” something conformance… idk

**rolls eyes**

And somehow the elf found out about Sedave–


I’m not blaming anybody here– and of course the elf found out that Sedave makes his home in the Rift. And, more particularly, in Riften. And that Sedave’s a Dunmer who lives on the canal, and.. and…and…


No, Marcus, I wasn’t blaming you. I mean, the elf IS a fully trained investigative– that’s what Justiciars do. At least that’s what they’re supposed to do.

But, you’ll be pleased to know that Sedave is far too canny to answer any letters or packages from couriers and he doesn’t open his door to random Thalmor…

But, like I said, trained investigative officer.



Sedave WILL open the door to cash-in-hand.

The elf wanted me to let you all know–as a courtesy, he said, in that snotty voice–that he has now sought out expert advice, so whatever advantage SOMEONE thought he might have had around here is now gone.


We’ll see, says Marcus.


Kissie and the green dress

Kissie says she’s just as good at green dresses as that Marcus.

And she has a better smile.

Sitting in a tree

We visited Kissi at her family’s hunting lodge for a few more pictures. Sedave wanted us to try a few more outfits and wigs.


Red is definitely striking.

Kissi says this is all very practical, but she was hoping for something pretty–


