Sedave says he thinks it can be done.
So, it’s necessary to go outside one’s comfort zone when working on personal style.
Isn’t that right, Sedave?
Sedave says– don’t get carried away. One can go too far.
Anyhow, he thought we’d like to take a look at his process.
He says this wasn’t going to work for Cyrelian, not because it’s all that terrible, but because he’s just not ever going to acclimate… wellll, not without a mask. Or those sunglasses:
It’s as if Sedave’s never had to deal with Marcus. The elf is kind of whiny but he’s no trouble at all, really. We haven’t even had to negotiate with Maven’s —
Sedave says that’s exactly why he’s so tired, and maybe I should trust his judgment here? Did we not like the work on the island–
Sedave just remembered that we are not supposed to mention that until we get approval. Yeah. Still pending.
Sedave says that the hairstyle is cute but we’re going to try something else. Is there a wig?
No need. The elf says he’s perfectly happy breaking out the illusion magic.
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