Category: Screenshots

Viconia de Vir 1

At the same time that I was making Kaius, I was also working on his companion, Viconia DeVir, a character from Baldur’s Gate. In that game, she’s a neutral evil drow elf cleric and appears to have a somewhat unpleasant personality. In the crossover fic I’m taking her from, if anything she is even more difficult.

Depicting her is going to be a challenge: She’s a black-skinned, white-haired drow elf. She’s scarred everywhere and has obviously known combat. And– She’s supposed to be jaw-droppingly beautiful. Not just beautiful to Kaius, but so beautiful heads turn and all conversation goes silent. Hmm.

So I asked for a little bit more guidance, and this is what I got:

I did not find either of these images particularly inspiring. Nor did they seem to give any hint as to her personality thus far.

Then the author sent over a drawing his wife had done of Viconia:

Look at that– isn’t it lovely? There’s a lady with lots of personality, right down to that homicidal little gleam in the eye. But there’s also that apprehension and sense of wonder. Perfect.


This is the first version of Viconia:

If you’re thinking ‘Oh god what is that thing’– just remember. Female elves. Not pretty without lots of help.

Here’s a female elf after a few face-changing mods and skin mods:

Still not the best. I decided to get the body taken care of and get back to that.

The first thing I started to work with was her normal maps.

As I’ve covered, the normal map is the layer of textures that shows all the crevices and bumps of the body surface that are too finely detailed to be shown in the mesh. Viconia’s normal map is important, because she is very combat-capable, but she is not heavily muscled or ripped. I didn’t think the last two would suit, given the references to her stunning and universally-appreciated beauty.

So I got the idea for this from blogger and mod author Marmotte, whose Kissimax has a wonderfully built body. I put two or three different mods together Female Muscle Mod was definitely one of them to make this:

After all of this I realized I could have just used Fitness Body and tinkered with its options, but c’est la guerre.

We now have some muscles with good veining on the legs and arms, but the smooth skin which goes along with a reasonable body fat percentage. Viconia’s in excellent condition.

I’m not sure what that skin mod this is in the above shots, but I believe it to be Fair Skin Complexion, which is generally what I use for tests because it is very consistent. These were just the trial pics for the normal map, though you can see a preview of Viconia’s eventual face and hair color.

I believe these were the standard UNP body. I didn’t like some things about it, particularly the slope of the chest muscles above the breast.

So I went back and asked the author: What do we think her body will look like? Is she slim, or muscular and husky? The suggestion I got was that she’s supposed to look like those old Boris Vallejo paintings. I can find that preset: Goddess–UUNP Bodyslide Preset. Note there is a CBBE one out there which is nowhere near as quality.

The top photo is the UNP body; the bottom photo is the Goddess bodyslide. I think the most apparent thing her is the muscle development in the thighs and calves.

Top is UNP, bottom is the Goddess preset.

Top is UNP, bottom is Goddess preset.

There appears to be some difference in the slope of the breast and the underlying pectoral muscle. And the buttocks appear much more defined. I dunno. It seems like a subtle difference, but I did like it better.

Viconia’s at weight .4, since her facial features are taken from a mesh and a preset set at that weight, and it’s just easier to not  mess with that. My original intention was to have her weight set someplace between .2 and .5, so that she would indeed look somewhat muscular, so I felt that .4 would do.

Next up: Face and skin.







Fox Armors for Men is out!

I am so totally supposed to be doing something else right now, but I couldn’t not drop a couple of preview shots:


Refit of Fox Armors done by Refurbmadness– check my sidebar post link or here.

Project Rainforest LE 1

A new tropical overhaul for Skyrim LE just came out– Tropical Skyrim LE by Sa547, who is the author of several of my favorite mod homes.

The mod itself comes with its own NLA .esp, which I thought was brilliant. I tested it with both an NLA variant and Caffeine ENB.

As you can see, the mod uses a large number of familiar assets to give a tropical feel, and it’s done with a fairly judicious hand. I walked around quite a bit, and I couldn’t find any places where I felt the greenery was too much or out of place. It all looked natural.

My original NLA variant is a very bright ENB, so I thought I’d try with Caffeine, which will tolerate NLA weathers. Caffeine yielded richer skies, but the light was quite intense, reflecting the tropical setting.  The mod’s own NLA settings appeared to be between the two.

In-game, NLA with Obsidian Mountain Fogs looked amazing with this overhaul. The light just shimmered with this brilliant humid haze. I could almost feel the heat radiating off the ground. Unfortunately, that effect was elusive — I couldn’t get it to show up as well in the screenshots as I would have liked.

It should be noted that I’m still fiddling with ENB settings for other purposes and that I normally have my fgamma and other ini settings at levels which do not look good in-game, for the purpose of screenshots which show up well on small things like phones. With this mod, I would strongly recommend a higher fgamma setting or using the ENB overlay if you wish to see darker blue skies.

If I ever end up doing an extensive series of screenshots with this mod, I will probably also review my water settings. I’m using Realistic Water Two with some ini changes and meshes from Pure Waters-Waterfalls; also Watercolor for ENB and probably some other stuff, as I know I tweaked water settings back when I last used Snowfall Weathers. The water here seems a bit bluer than expected, but I didn’t take the time to look into that. I also did not change some of the landscape edits that I had active– if you see any odd hard edges in the shots it is due to mod-added landscape rather than this overhaul. I did not do any conflict resolution at all.

This is an excellently done mod without any of the issues which can be possible with such a comprehensive overhaul; and it looks great with the mods by the same author which add greenery to cities. FPS impact was minimal on my system.

I especially liked the fact that this overhaul came with so many different biomes– there’s savannah grasslands; there’s swamps; there’s coastal and mountain regions; there’s a lush foothills area…. so you really feel like you are traveling through a tropical country, rather than a small area.
