Syls Amusements

Valkyrie Svinhilde Follower

Valkyrie Svinhilde Follower by IheartRunningman is kind of interesting in that she has not one but two transformations– from ordinary lady into a Nordic hero… into a Valkyrie. There are plenty of modded NPCs that have one transformation but not so  many that have two.

And– of course I don’t have the picture of her as an ordinary lady. But she is. The armored bikini does not come out until she’s in combat.

Arclite Community College–College of Winterhold Wrap-up Party

It’s time for our students to say goodbye to Arclite as it’s finally the end-of-term.

Ah, Cyrelian has a question.

Of course he does. It’s not like we’re waiting to get started eating or anything.

What is it?!

He says it’s raining pretty good out there and it’s getting kind of dark and– do we really have to stick around for this thing?


You know what that means– everyone else wants to go home early now too.

You know, that’s really kind of rude, it looks like Professor Marance went to some trouble, and–

Marcus beat me to it–

Well, Cyr got told.

Marcus is right, it wouldn’t kill everyone to grab a bite and hang around for a few minutes. The food looks pretty good…

Come on, you don’t want Professor Marance to feel bad, do you?

So yeah, everybody ended up staying… and it ended up being a pretty good time.

At least, as good a time as you can have in the Aether Suite without being intoxicated.

I think Professor Marance is just as grateful to leave this place behind as the rest of us. I think she’s going to be keeping that spiffy little cardigan, though.



